Joining in Car Body Engineering 2024
Optimising second-generation BEV and PHEV car body structures and moving towards a sustainable, carbon-neutral, yet cost-effective production probably are the two main goals in modern car body engineering, and both have much to do with optimised joining technologies and joining concepts. For instance:
- Modern battery case structures are becoming further integrated into crash load paths: How do joining concepts best reflect that?
- Megacastings are intensely discussed: When realised, how are they best joined to the rest of the structure?
- Carbon-neutral vehicle production scenarios need to include intelligent recycling concepts: Joints may need to be easily de-joinable at a vehicle’s end-of-life.
Thus, to discuss latest suggestions for optimal joining solutions, Automotive Circle’s international conference on Joining in Car Body Engineering will again discuss latest progress in all industrially relevant body shop processes with its network of experts, on April 16-18, 2024, in Bad Nauheim, Germany.
Conference Structure
The three conference days consist of two, separately bookable modules:
Module 1, covering progress in Adhesive Bonding and Hybrid Bonding technologies, starts on the first conference day and ends in the early afternoon of the second.
Module 2, covering developments in Thermal and Mechanical Joining technologies, starts in the morning of the second conference day and ends in the afternoon of the third.
The first sessions or the second conference day feature a joint program of presentations for participants of either module, with topics that are presumed to be of interest to all participants, for instance OEM presenting the full joining concept of a recently launched car body project.

Submit a Paper
Effective joining – and de-joining
Optimising second-generation BEV and PHEV car body structures and moving towards a sustainable, carbon-neutral, yet cost-effective production probably are the two main goals in modern car body engineering, and both have much to do with optimised joining technologies and joining concepts. For instance:
- Modern battery case structures are becoming further integrated into crash load paths: How do joining concepts best reflect that?
- Megacastings are intensely discussed: When realised, how are they best joined to the rest of the structure?
- Carbon-neutral vehicle production scenarios need to include intelligent recycling concepts: Joints may need to be easily de-joinable at a vehicle’s end-of-life.
Thus, to discuss latest suggestions for optimal joining solutions, Automotive Circle’s international conference on Joining in Car Body Engineering will again discuss latest progress in all industrially relevant body shop processes with its network of experts, on April 16-18, 2024, in Bad Nauheim, Germany.
We cordially invite you to submit your proposal for a half-hour technical presentation for the conference program, reporting on your latest advances, developments and findings relevant to the conference theme.
In particular, the conference aims to present progress in the following areas:
New/improved joining solutions for…
- new materials and material combinations
- automotive castings
- battery cases and other e-mobility-related car body joining tasks with special performance requirements
- ultra-high-strength materials
- additively manufactured components
Novel, industry-ready joining technologies, for instance…
- new, non-melting welding processes
- innovative mechanical joining processes
Adhesive bonding innovations, concerning…
- new with structural, supporting or sealing adhesive bonding applications, also in hybrid combination with other joining technologies
- more precise and efficient adhesive application processes
- advances in adhesives development
More efficient production and development, via…
- improvements in throughput, stability, robustness, reproducibility, as well as maintenance or upstream process requirements
- reduction of heat input during joining, avoidance of distortions and material damage
- Smart Production / digitalization solutions in the body shop; efficient process and machinery data management and data analyses
- reliable and efficient simulations of joining processes and their integration into the virtual development environment
- new techniques for effective quality and process control
Increased flexibility and reduced complexity in the body shop, by means of…
- larger process windows and extended applicability of joining processes
- new possibilities for joining one-sided or difficult-to-access joints
- optimised body shop layouts
Sustainability and circular economy concepts, e.g. …
- comparative CO2-footprint analyses of industrial joining processes
- scope-3-sustainability: CO2 -footprint of joining elements/adhesives across the entire supply chain
- joinability of recycled, secondary materials (steel, aluminium, plastics)
- recycling-friendly joining technologies and joining concepts
- concepts and solutions for effective de-joining and debonding-on-command
- reduced energy consumption in the body shop
The three conference days will again be structured into two separate, yet overlapping modules:
Program Committee:
Module 1 – Adhesive Bonding and Hybrid Bonding (April 16-17, 2024)
Professor Dr. Klaus Dilger
Technische Universität Braunschweig
Institute of Joining and Welding (ifs)
Professor Dr. Christian Lammel
IFF GmbH – Induktion Fügetechnik Fertigungstechnik
Module 2 – Thermal and Mechanical Joining (April 17-18, 2024)
Professor Dr. Stefan Böhm
University of Kassel \ Institute of Production Technology and Logistics
Dr. Dirk Meine
Automotive Circle
T +49 (0)511 9910-319
The members of the Program Committee will be happy to answer any questions you may have about your submission.
We cordially invite you to submit your proposal for a half-hour technical presentation at Joining in Car Body Engineering 2024. Please send us, using our online submission form, a concise, non-promotional, English-language abstract outlining your results
by October 30, 2023.
Based on your abstract, in collaboration with the OEM Advisory Board of the conference, we will evaluate your proposal. In that process, the novelty of your results, their industrial relevance and the engineering-oriented, technical character of your proposal will be of particular importance.
If your contribution is accepted, we are pleased to invite one speaker from your company to take part in the corresponding conference module, i.e. exempt of the conference fees and including hotel accommodation.
Further key dates
- Notification of acceptance of your proposal: mid-November 2023
- Publication of the conference programme: early January 2023
- Submission of your (English-language) presentation documents as a pdf for the conference proceedings: March 16, 2024
Exhibition & Sponsoring
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